Monday, December 12, 2016

Christ centered advent calendar

I came up with an inexpensive advent calendar to do with the young women in our ward. I came across these printable's from yourvibrantfamily. She has put together a whole kit for having a Christ centered Christmas.....and bonus her kit is on sale. What a great idea.

 First I gathered supplies. I got a 5 pack of 16x20 canvas for less than $15. Modge podge glue and modge podge brand clear coat. Chalk paint any color you want. Masking tape. Paint and glitter in coordinating colors. E6000 glue. Foam brush. Strait edge ruler and a pencil. 17 Normal size clothes pins.
Painted my solid color with chalk paint (it seems to cover better in 1 coat than regularly craft paint) on the canvas and let it dry. Then used masking tape and taped off edges, painted my contrasting color. 

While it was drying I got my 17 clothes pins and painted just the tops of them either green or yellow.

After the paint was dry I then liberally put modge podge over the paint for the glitter to stick.

I put a pile of glitter on a paper and firmly pushed the glued top of the pin into the glitter. I then sprayed the glittered clothes pin with a clear coat to set the glitter so it won't just fall off. 

I measured the canvas so the clothes pins would be evenly spaced.

2" from the edges and 3" in between 


Vertically I measured from the bottom up every 5" until I got to 15". That will make the 3 rows for the days.

From the top I measure 1" over and 2" down for the pins that will hold the title.

 Next I used e6000 glue. Glue the back of the pin. Don't be stinghey with the glue
 Center top of pin with the mark you make and eye ball it for center. 





Friday, May 6, 2016

Softball Gifts

I made all the senior girls a softball frame out of 1"x10"x 3 foot piece of wood I had laying around. I cut them at 7" so I got 5 out of my piece of wood, which is what I needed. I painted them a yellow color to look like a softball. 
Then I found something round to trace the 2 corners. I used red and black paint pens with a fine tip to paint my trace marks then put red stitching. 

After the paint was all dry I roughed it all up with sand paper (not just the edges, the whole board). I wiped the boards down with a damp cloth then sprayed them with clear coat spray. 

After drying completely I wrapped twine on the bottom and tied the 2 ends together. I used a piece of burlap ribbon to make a little bow and glued it and a clothes pin on the corner with E6000.
They turned out better then I hoped!
Last week I took the Senior girls pictures before their game. I made a 5x7 picture collage for each of the girls to put on the frame. They turned out really cute I think.
Since I was already doing this project I decided I should make the coaches something. So I cut a piece of wood the same as the frames just a couple inches longer and cut into a point to make it look like home base. Painted it the same as the frames. I decided to put the year on it with paint pen. Cut out a sticker to put on it with my cricut and drilled holes in the top corners and put some twine thru to hang. Added a bow and ribbon. I gave the girls a black paint market to sign their names and put their jersey numbers on it. It turned out really cute!

Senior Softball Night⚾️

Last night was senior girls softball night. Sadie's team played Firth, it was a good tight game. Tied 3-3 and went into an extra inning and the huskies won 4-3. Sadie played softball in middle school for a couple years and her freshman year. I tried to get her to play sophomore and junior years but she didn't want to and chose the school play Instead. I always loved watching her play. So I told her she was playing her senior year. She didn't really want to but soon remembered how much she loved it! She was put on JV to start and quickly made her way to Varsity. She has amazing coaches. Varsity Coaches Hill and Jensen. JV coaches Darcy and Delaney. Coach Hill went above and beyond to help her and encourage her she could do it! (He was also her coach in middle school) She turned into his bunt hitter. He taught her well and she has done amazing! 

Monday the huskies go into districts. They stand a good chance of going to state. I'm excited to see how they do. They are a great team and really know the meaning of team work and really encourage each other. I'm going to miss not being able to watch them play next year.⚾️

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Reply to PROM

My daughter was asked to prom in a cute way with soft balls because she plays softball. The boy that asked her does track so she decided to reply in the same manner she was asked. With a relay baton (which we made from wood and painted a cute color because we didn't have time to go buy one in town). We put her name on it in cute chrome letters. Cut stickers to put on a poster board and printed some track clip art to glue to it.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Pep Band Locker Decorations

So I decided to decorate members of the pep band's lockers. The boys basketball team is heading into their last game of districts so if they lose the pep band season is over. These kids don't get enough credit or appreciation! They play during football, boys and girls basketball seasons and they don't get recognized like they should. So this is my little way of showing them they are appreciated and they Rock!!
So I printed musical notes and put their names on them and used a gold paint market to highlight. Printed a huskies pep band card and put a bow on it.
Pop rocks...because they ROCK!!
Bubble gum 
And thanking them for their Commit"Mint"!! 
School pride print outs

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Under the big top Junior Prom

So for my daughters Junior Prom last year the theme was UNDER THE BIG TOP. It was in a large local barn. I got table cloths from the dollar store and we strung a wire from one end to the other and and put the table cloths over the wire (we had to table the seams together at the top so they didn't move apart) and tied the ends to the sides of the barn.
 Then we made a popcorn arch for the kids to do their promenade. With appliance boxes I painted the stripes. Used a pvc pipe for the arch and anchored the pipe with patio umbrella stands. Then tied the balloons around the PVC in a swirl pattern. 
Then we had the refreshments. In the kitchen/ dining area we decorated tables with popcorn boxes and balloons on sticks tied with twine. I put a handkerchief in the center of the table also. It looked too plain without it.
For refreshments we had Cotton Candy, lemonade, snow cones (they were on their own stand and I forgot to take a picture! Dang it!) and popcorn. For the signs I stapled together some wood for the legs and painted cardboard and core foam board for the signs. I also made the vinyl letters with my plotter cutter but I'm sure a cricut could do just as good. This is the rough set up. I didn't get it in all its glory but you get the idea! *FYI*  I centered the flags on the counter after this pic. Lol
We also had a few carnival games (ring toss, balloon darts and can knock down with waffle balls and tin cans). The kids had to play games to get tickets for refreshments. All in All the Prom was a success! The kids loved it and said it was the best prom yet!! I hope this gives you some good ideas if you are doing a carnival theme party.