First I gathered supplies. I got a 5 pack of 16x20 canvas for less than $15. Modge podge glue and modge podge brand clear coat. Chalk paint any color you want. Masking tape. Paint and glitter in coordinating colors. E6000 glue. Foam brush. Strait edge ruler and a pencil. 17 Normal size clothes pins.

Painted my solid color with chalk paint (it seems to cover better in 1 coat than regularly craft paint) on the canvas and let it dry. Then used masking tape and taped off edges, painted my contrasting color.

While it was drying I got my 17 clothes pins and painted just the tops of them either green or yellow.

After the paint was dry I then liberally put modge podge over the paint for the glitter to stick.

I put a pile of glitter on a paper and firmly pushed the glued top of the pin into the glitter. I then sprayed the glittered clothes pin with a clear coat to set the glitter so it won't just fall off.

I measured the canvas so the clothes pins would be evenly spaced.
2" from the edges and 3" in between

Vertically I measured from the bottom up every 5" until I got to 15". That will make the 3 rows for the days.

From the top I measure 1" over and 2" down for the pins that will hold the title.

Next I used e6000 glue. Glue the back of the pin. Don't be stinghey with the glue
Center top of pin with the mark you make and eye ball it for center.