Friday, August 23, 2013

Sadie's first car

August 12, 2013
Sadie has worked hard all summer to get a car! She finally got her first car! A Mitsubishi Montero sport...she loves it! Now to finish her personal progress so she can get her license. She's working, playing soccer and getting ready to go back to school Wednesday in the mean time. She's a very busy girl!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Brooke Get's Baptized!!

So Brooke was FINALLY able to get baptized on May 11, 2013. She was waiting very impatiently as we had to change the date 3 times so both her grandpas could be there. She was such a beautiful princess. And she was so so excited to get her OWN scriptures with her name on them and a cute case to carry them in:) 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Sadie and Jaden both participated this year in the schools production of "The Music Man". While also doing other sports. It was very tiring but a great experience for them both. The finished production was incredible for a high school play:) I was also their every night with the kids so I got the opportunity to help with odds and ends and got to meet and get to know some great people including kids in the play.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Brooke's Operetta

Every 2 years the school puts on an operetta for the first and second graders and this year was Brooke's she also had 2 cousins in the operetta, Brennon and Taylor. The play was "3 OF A KIND"

Brooke was a blind mouse.
Brennon was a Billie goat.
And Taylor was a little pig.

I also got the opportunity to make Brooke's groups costumes and the butchers wives. Stressful but I'm glad I did it:)

Jackson Hole Hill Climbs

Troy and I go to Jackson Hole every March for the Hill Climbs to celebrate our anniversary since we are too busy to celebrate in June. We go with good friends and have lots of fun together:)

One Big Fish

Troy went with a friend ice fishing and took lex and Brooke with him about a week and a half ago. They caught ALOT of fish and also a sun burn but they had fun.


Yesterday was the last day of the season for A.S.T.E.P. ( after school tutoring & education program) where I teach tumbling and dance to kids ages 5-8. I love it! They are all such great kids and it is a great program for our little community. I have to just say THANK YOU Kari Dalton for having the vision and putting this all together. And tho you are no longer on this world your legacy is living on:) I love you and miss you! Thanks for your example my friend.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Conference weekend

So it turned out to be a good 2 day conference. I'm still trying to teach my younger 3 kids to listen and pay attention to what the presidency are trying to teach us. It includes me yelling and being frustrated at them...ugh! But at least I have Sadie who wants to listen and learn as much as I do:)

Sadie made us all breakfast today before conference started!! Waffles, sausage and hash browns.

I hope one day my kids will look back on this time and realize I wasn't making them pay attention to torture them, we'll at least not at first;) tehehe

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Just DANCE!!

Taking a break between conference sessions. Watching 2 of my kids play JUST DANCE....makes me happy to see them happy:)