Friday, May 6, 2016

Senior Softball Night⚾️

Last night was senior girls softball night. Sadie's team played Firth, it was a good tight game. Tied 3-3 and went into an extra inning and the huskies won 4-3. Sadie played softball in middle school for a couple years and her freshman year. I tried to get her to play sophomore and junior years but she didn't want to and chose the school play Instead. I always loved watching her play. So I told her she was playing her senior year. She didn't really want to but soon remembered how much she loved it! She was put on JV to start and quickly made her way to Varsity. She has amazing coaches. Varsity Coaches Hill and Jensen. JV coaches Darcy and Delaney. Coach Hill went above and beyond to help her and encourage her she could do it! (He was also her coach in middle school) She turned into his bunt hitter. He taught her well and she has done amazing! 

Monday the huskies go into districts. They stand a good chance of going to state. I'm excited to see how they do. They are a great team and really know the meaning of team work and really encourage each other. I'm going to miss not being able to watch them play next year.⚾️

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